Iris Insurance Game - a modern Classic for an Industry in Transition

Our insu­rance manage­ment simu­la­tion has taken a big step for­ward during the Corona cri­sis. Inspi­red by the extre­mely posi­tive feed­back from cus­to­mers on our other two simu­la­tion series, “Sys­Teams Change” and “iMove weWin,” we have taken it to a new level in terms of both con­tent and didac­tics. Three inno­va­tions demons­trate this par­ti­cu­larly cle­arly: the new Cock­pits, the Iris Online Plat­form and the inte­gra­tion of Challenges.

The focus of Iris Insu­rance is on the suc­cessful per­for­mance and manage­ment of insu­rance­com­pa­nies in a com­pe­ti­tive mar­ket. We have lis­tened to the feed­back of our long­time­cus­to­mers and have com­ple­tely res­truc­tu­red and rede­si­gned the pre­sen­ta­tion of busi­ness­fi­gu­res and mar­ket ana­ly­ses: Exe­cu­tive Board cock­pits for all key busi­ness areas now show­all the infor­ma­tion requi­red for suc­cessful cor­po­rate manage­ment, pre­pared with gra­phic­sand con­den­sed to the essen­ti­als in terms of content.

With the all new Iris Online plat­form, all par­ti­ci­pants have full access to busi­ness results, mar­ket ana­ly­ses, semi­nar-rela­ted mate­ri­als and digi­tal tools to sup­port col­la­bo­ra­tion and­de­cis­ion-making. We use Iris Online in various degree of inten­sity both in the fully vir­tu­al­Di­stance Lear­ning setup and in the face-to-face event.

Chal­lenges are small brea­kout ses­si­ons that immerse par­ti­ci­pants in topics in a par­ti­cu­lar­ly­playful and com­pe­ti­tive way that helps them achieve semi­nar goals fas­ter and more­sus­tain­ably. At Iris Insu­rance the focus is on stra­tegy, sales suc­cess, inno­va­tion or the abili­tyto grasp and manage the com­plex sys­tem of a com­pany in a sys­tem model.

These new pos­si­bi­li­ties enable a balance bet­ween the tea­ching of tech­ni­cal con­tent and the­ex­pe­ri­ence of col­la­bo­ra­tion in teams and in the orga­ni­sa­tion. Thus, with the Iris Insu­rance Game, every cus­to­mer recei­ves exactly the simu­la­tion game-based semi­nar offe­ring that best­sup­ports and advan­ces their cor­po­rate goals and culture.