The inno­va­tive and mobi­li­zing manage­ment game for executives

Gene­rate IMPULSES
and WIN as a company 

Simulation Game

iMove weWin

iMove weWin is tar­ge­ted at mana­gers and employees in spe­cia­list positions.

In this uni­que busi­ness simu­la­tion game, par­ti­ci­pants expe­ri­ence their impact on their cus­to­mers and their own company.

The com­bi­na­tion of com­pu­ter-based simu­la­tion, group work, chal­lenges and reflec­tion rounds crea­tes sus­tainable posi­tive impul­ses for the organization.

That’s what it’s all about

  • How do I as a lea­der affect cus­to­mers and my own organization?

  • What is my role in streng­thening the team?

  • How do I set impul­ses and how do they work over time?

  • How are my actions and my lea­der­ship image influen­ced by topics of the future?

How iMove weWin works

  • Par­ti­ci­pants reflect on the effects of your own mind­set and action

  • You gain an under­stan­ding of your role in the net­work of effects

  • You will expe­ri­ence the manage­ment of com­plex dyna­mic sys­tems and expe­ri­ence the rele­vance of the fac­tor “time” at first hand

  • You reco­gnize how future trends can be mana­ged in the organization

  • The focus is always on the enga­ge­ment with one’s own per­son, with the cus­to­mers and the organization


My impulses make the difference

By par­ti­ci­pa­ting in iMove weWin, you as an indi­vi­dual and mana­ger sus­tain­ably streng­then your ability to handle the chal­lenges of the rele­vant future trends for yours­elf and your company.

You improve your cus­to­mer rela­ti­ons, increase your inno­va­tion and streng­then the team.

Change in Perspective

The cus­to­mer is always the cen­ter of attention

Trans­fer of fin­dings trig­gers sus­tainable changes

Innovative Power

Deal­ing with future trends

Gene­ra­ting a posi­tive cul­ture of innovation

Reflec­tion on the importance of inno­va­tions for the organization

Leadership Teams

Streng­then Trust in the Team

Fos­te­ring balance bet­ween own mind­set and action

Self reflec­tion deve­lops lea­der­ship understanding

System Competence

Under­stan­ding and mana­ging com­plex systems

Expe­ri­ence own impul­ses in the net­work of effects

Dyna­mics over time always considered

A Realistic Simulation

iMove weWin is the result of inten­sive pro­ject work with exe­cu­ti­ves and experts. 
Estab­lished sci­en­ti­fic theo­ries on lea­der­ship com­pe­tence, change manage­ment, emo­tio­nal com­pe­tence, sys­tem com­pe­tence and orga­niza­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment form the basis of this manage­ment simu­la­tion game. 

Active learning

The combination of different, active learning methods make the elements of the business simulation game real and tangible


In chal­lenges and group work you will deal with your own impact and your own actions.

Communication and Reflection 

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and change of per­spec­tive streng­then the “we” fee­ling. Debrie­fing and reflec­tion pro­mote awareness.

Agile Methods

By using agile methods, we encou­rage try­ing out new things and inter­pre­ting mista­kes as valuable experience.


Innovative Implementation


Realtime Computer Simulation

The com­pu­ter simu­la­tion, con­ti­nuously run­ning in time-lapse, crea­tes an imme­diate and authen­tic lear­ning environment.

There is an App for that

The iMove app is the cen­tral con­trol ele­ment in the face-to-face semi­nar and in the online ver­sion. Game cards with QR codes and inte­gra­ted audio and video sequen­ces make the game situa­tion lively and exciting.

Haptic Elements

The iMove weWin game board shared within the team visua­li­zes the impact net­work and ser­ves directly as a basis for dis­cus­sion and reflection.

Scientifically Founded

Paper on the Elements of Organization

vgl. Marianne Grobner (2009) FH Vorarlberg

Through estab­lished sci­en­ti­fic theo­ries, iMove weWin pro­vi­des a rea­li­stic impact net­work of sys­tem ele­ments cove­ring dif­fe­rent areas:

  • Indi­vi­dual ele­ments such as self-know­ledge or pro­fes­sio­nal behavior.

  • Cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic ele­ments such as cus­to­mer loyalty of cus­to­mer communication

  • Orga­niza­tio­nal ele­ments such as pro­fi­ta­bi­lity, lea­der­ship or inno­va­tion power

  • Ele­ments of power such as means of power or micropolitics

Par­ti­ci­pants affect the deve­lo­p­ment of this net­work over time through their decisions.

The con­text of our own com­pany is always at the cen­ter of our con­side­ra­ti­ons. We the­r­e­fore do not work on the model, but with the model on our own situation.

What we Offer

Tailor made solutions

For the use of iMove weWin in your orga­niza­tion for your employees and mana­gers, we will find the right con­fi­gu­ra­tion for you.

iMove weWin makes the difference.

You can trust our experience.

On-site or online







Duration: 2 Days

iMove weWin can be customized in three stages


Stan­dard semi­nar procedure

Gene­ral com­pany the­mes as a basis

The net­work of ele­ments is based on expe­ri­ence and average values


Indi­vi­dua­li­zed sche­dule of the seminar

Com­pany-spe­ci­fic topics  for bet­ter iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the participants

The net­work of ele­ments is based on expe­ri­ence and average values


Indi­vi­dual semi­nar schedule

Com­pany-spe­ci­fic topics and challenges

Com­pany-spe­ci­fic impact net­work of elements

Maxi­mum iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the par­ti­ci­pants with the seminar

Das iMove weWin Team


Lars Moormann


Verena von Dehn

Dr. Ralf Klotzbücher, IrisInsuranceGame

Ralf Klotzbücher


Willy Kriz

If you have fur­ther ques­ti­ons about our offers or would like to have spe­cial solu­ti­ons tail­o­red to your needs, we would be plea­sed to hear from you directly.


We move people

Lear­ning is fun

Play­Room for experiments

Unleash potentials

Reflec­tion and transformation

riva solu­ti­ons GmbH
Baju­wa­ren­ring 26 · D-85609 Asch­heim